Electric Moped Review
Segway eMoped C80 Electric Moped Full Review
At the end of last year, Segway showed the world its new brainchild, the smart electric scooter Segway eMoped C80. It is a unique electric scooter with excellent performance characteristics. Using the project Indiegogo everyone has the opportunity to pre-order a unique and comfortable vehicle. The cost of the scooter is 1900 dollars.
Emoped C80 Performance: The general concept and characteristics of the “steel heart”
The Segway Emoped C80 looks like a small moped with integrated pedals. The power of the electric motor is equated to 750 watts and the maximum speed reaches 35 km/h. Under the seat, there is a built-in battery with a capacity of 24 mA / h, which is enough to overcome a distance of 85 km on one battery charge. To drive the Emoped C80 it is not necessary to have an appropriate driver’s license.
Security features: Reliable braking system as a safety guarantee
Smart scooter Emoped C80 is equipped with a reliable braking system. The front wheel is equipped with a disc braking system and the rear wheel is equipped with a drum braking system. An electric scooter can operate in regeneration mode – at the time of prolonged braking all the released energy goes back to the battery, thereby increasing the maximum distance traveled without recharging.
Design and features
The new Segway device is an advanced electric moped that resembles an electric scooter, in two different colors (black/yellow and blue/yellow) and has various smart features. The body is made of durable, scratch-resistant plastic, and the classic duster has been replaced by a combination unlock.
Ninebot AirLook e NFC: therefore, you must have a smartphone equipped with an NFC chip to unlock the car. Segway eMoped C80 integrates a display in the handlebar and many LEDs: when they flash green, it means the device is working, red indicates a possible malfunction and yellow – in standby mode.
In the face of the owner of this smart and efficient vehicle is the very compact dashboard, which provides maximum necessary information. There is a suspension with a central spring at the rear and a rigid shock-absorbing fork at the front. Cine turn signals, reflectors, indicators, and signals provide safety and good visibility for the driver. A roomy cargo rack is built into the rear.
RideyGo smart app with the anti-theft system
Segway is probably the first on the local market to provide such an interesting concept, the essence of which is the integration of the RideyGo smart app into the overall system.
The application can be used from a smartphone. The smart app RideyGo has an anti-theft function. If any movement of the Emoped C80 is detected after it has been parked, the owner’s smartphone will receive a corresponding signal. On the electric scooter itself, light and sound signals are activated, and after 3-4 seconds the wheels are automatically locked.
The RideyGo smart system allows automatic locking and unlocking of the bike using NFC and detects the user in the seat. If the driver leaves the seat, the system will lock the scooter within 3 seconds. It also locks in cases of improper seating to keep the rider safe. The lockout timer can be set to your liking.
Power and autonomy
The display can show speed and battery power status. The eMoped can reach a maximum speed of 32 km / h, thanks to the engine from 750W, The battery is a unit from 1.152 Wh, which offers a range of up to 84 km. Among other features are the front disc brake system and rear drum brake system, as well as waterproof. IPX7.
The Segway eMoped C80 success
In addition to all the technical features of the product, the public response to this project is astounding. The Segway eMoped C80 has really well raised $150,000 in the first 12 hours of crowdfunding alone. The numbers show that users really liked this scooter, so much so that it was funded.
However, we didn’t stop there, because, in two days, the balance has recorded another number: $274,000.